Regarding the mid-term exam

Good morning and thank you for your evaluation-forms! I have been analyzing the evaluation of the mid-term exam, and I have some comments:

1. Most of you thought there were too many questions for two hours. Yes, you might be right, we will take that into consideration when evaluating the answers

2. The one question that caused most trouble, in addition to the difficult genius-questions were question 1c and 1d. Many of you thought that question 1c and 1d were the same question, more or less. Yes, they are very similar, but I was looking for different answers for the two. 

 Excercise 1c. I was looking for a so-called "notch"-filter that could remove the 50/60Hz signals. Most electrical equipment from lamps to computers are powered by the electrical power line are operating in the 50-60 Hz freqency region, obviously. In consequence, much of the interference is concentrated around this frequency and makes it easy to remove the noise by introducing a simple filter that is terminating 50 Hz signals. It should be said however, that 50 Hz-filters are even more important in EEG-amplifiers than in ECG-amplifiers, due to the low signal amplitudes in EEG. 

Exercise 1d. That is the driven-right-leg solution

Answer 1c and 1d could also be switched

I have updated and published the mid-term exam with sensor guidelines in the "attachment"-folder, please feel free to comment on this if you have any questions or thoughts about this topic.

Publisert 18. okt. 2017 09:08 - Sist endret 18. okt. 2017 09:08