Some of you have experienced problems when using the Nios-II/e Gen 2 processor. If you have problems connecting to the FPGA and downloading the software to the Nios-II system the solution is to change the cpu type to a Nios-II/e classic in the Qsys builder. Remember to reconnect all interfaces including, for the relevant devices, the interrupt priority and associated priority level.
The Gen 2 processor was first available in version 14.0 of Quartus, but maybe still as a beta-version. If you are using Quartus 15.0 it should work fine.
The Lab. 3 assignment has been updated to include the ASM diagram of i2c_master_ctrl.vhd.
Presentation of an example solution for the controller state machine in Lab3 + further introduction to Lab4. See updated lecture plan. Introduction to RTOS moved to Oct. 27.
The deadline for lab. 3 has been extended to Tuesday Oct. 27.
Due to illness there will unfortunately be no lecture on Tuesday Sept. 22. The lecture will be moved to Wednesday Sept. 23 at 1215-1400 in room V329.
There will be no lecture on Tuesday Sept. 8 as I will be attending the FPGAworld conference (
F?rste forelesning vil finne sted tirsdag 18.aug kl 12:15-14:00 i Lille fysiske auditorium.