
Publisert 7. nov. 2015 16:47

Some of you have experienced problems when using the Nios-II/e Gen 2 processor. If you have problems connecting to the FPGA and downloading the software to the Nios-II system the solution is to change the cpu type to a Nios-II/e classic in the Qsys builder. Remember to reconnect all interfaces including, for the relevant devices, the interrupt priority and associated priority level. 

The Gen 2 processor was first available in version 14.0 of Quartus, but maybe still as a beta-version. If you are using Quartus 15.0 it should work fine.

Publisert 20. okt. 2015 19:54

The Lab. 3 assignment has been updated to include the ASM diagram of i2c_master_ctrl.vhd.

Publisert 20. okt. 2015 07:52

Presentation of an example solution for the controller state machine in Lab3 +  further introduction to Lab4. See updated lecture plan. Introduction to RTOS moved to Oct. 27.

Publisert 19. okt. 2015 16:04

The deadline for lab. 3 has been extended to Tuesday Oct. 27.

Publisert 22. sep. 2015 09:55

Due to illness there will unfortunately be no lecture on Tuesday Sept. 22. The lecture will be moved to Wednesday Sept. 23 at 1215-1400 in room V329.

Publisert 1. sep. 2015 17:50

There will be no lecture on Tuesday Sept. 8 as I will be attending the FPGAworld conference (

Publisert 13. aug. 2015 10:52

F?rste forelesning vil finne sted tirsdag 18.aug kl 12:15-14:00 i Lille fysiske auditorium.