Welcome to FYS4170 !

A tentative plan for the first course in relativistic quantum field theory (FYS4170) can now be found on the semester pages of the course, including reading suggestions.


Lectures1 will typically be on Mondays and Thursdays, and start on August 17th. Group exercises will be on Tuesdays (from August 25th) and run by Parampreet Walia.


Quantum field theory is a truly fascinating and rewarding subject, which however is often experienced as rather demanding at the beginning. To help you with a smooth start, I therefore added a brief description of background knowledge from previous courses that you will particularly need. You will benefit a lot from taking a close look at this before the first lecture. 


Welcome! :)

Torsten Bringmann



The lectures are given in English unless everybody speaks Norwegian.

Publisert 31. juli 2015 11:35