
Publisert 15. jan. 2025 09:56

In this course we will use UiO Discourse (or AstroDiscourse) for communicating outside of lecture / group exercise hours. So please take a look at the detailed guide here if you haven't used this tool before. Look for `fys4160-25v' once you have logged into the platform (with your standard student login).

In general, this kind of tool is really useful once one gets above a critical level of usage. So use it actively to ask and discuss any questions you may have!

Publisert 9. jan. 2025 15:46

I just put out a set of exercises to fresh up your hands-on experience with index notation -- which can be a nice thing to do for those of you who already want to start going a bit. These exercises will be discussed, along with any other questions or comments that you may have about the required background material, during the first group exercise session on 23/01.
(Note hence that we start with the group exercises already during the first lecture week, unlike what is stated in the course plan on the semester page) 

Publisert 3. jan. 2025 09:31

The course starts on Tuesday, January 21, with an introductory lecture -- mostly explaining how the course is set up, its 'rules' and what will be covered.

In order to follow the course without major hurdles, please make sure to fresh up your background knowledge as soon as possible -- but latest during week 3 (which is the official start of the teaching period).

Welcome everyone to the fascinating world of general relativity!

Torsten Bringmann