
Publisert 27. juli 2017 15:54

The final results are now available in detailed form, broken down to individual problems.

Thanks again to everyone for an exciting course, and for all the effort that you spent on this!

Publisert 21. juni 2017 19:14

The solutions to the final exam are now online. For a "pass", 15 points were required, for an "A" 40 (including up to 5 points from the exercises). For technical reasons I can only put the overall results here at the beginning of august -- but you should soon find your individual grades in StudentWeb.

Thanks to everyone for making this a really fun course to teach, and I hope that you remember a bit of GR also after the vacations!

Have a nice summer!!!

Publisert 6. juni 2017 12:50

As already explained in the lecture, you will be allowed to take 3 A4 pages (2-sided) of own notes to the exam. 

There is no restriction on what you put there, or how these pages look like. So you can write, draw, copy, print,... But I strongly recommend to prepare handwritten notes because this will maximize the overall learning effect (and efficiency) while preparing those 3 pages.

Apparently, there was also some confusion about when most of you wanted a final Q&A session. So I just created a doodle -- the slot with most votes will be the one that will be chosen.

Publisert 17. mai 2017 16:19
Publisert 15. mai 2017 14:44

Thanks to Alessio for pointing out a typo in the hint for problem 43!

Publisert 10. mai 2017 09:14

Several people asked for the slides I occasionally show. They are now online

(here, here and here).

Publisert 28. apr. 2017 12:37

As announced today in the lecture, there will be another Q&A session during the lecture next week. Please have a detailed look at everything we did since the last Q&A session and prepare questions. View this is a very good preparation for the exam...

Publisert 25. apr. 2017 19:56

Due to a conflicting exam at ITA...

Publisert 30. mars 2017 11:34

I just put out exercise sheet 10. This one is the last on black holes, and in order to catch up with the group exercises, it is also the last one before Easter -- so in the first group session after Easter you'll also have some additional time to revisit conceptual issues connected to black holes. Recall that during the week before Easter there won't be any lectures or exercises!

Publisert 24. mars 2017 08:46

I lost my voice, so we'll continue the discussion of the Schwarzschild metric next Tuesday (24 March).

Publisert 21. feb. 2017 10:29

As already announced on PIAZZA, the next two group exercise sessions are rescheduled as follows:

Thursday 02/03 -> Friday 03/03 12-14

Thursday 09/03 -> Friday 10/03 12-14

Same room as usual, i.e. ?443.

Publisert 20. feb. 2017 13:42

This week, Magdalena will wrap up our crash course in differential geometry. Before we get back to physics, and apply our new mathematical knowledge to derive Einstein's field equations, we will instead of a regular lecture have a Q&A session next Tuesday (28/02).  The idea is to take up any questions that you still have about this part of the course -- so the better you come prepared, the more you will get out of it!

Publisert 19. jan. 2017 13:55

If you haven't done so yet, you should register now for online forum PIAZZA.

Once you have registered, you can directly go to the Q&A section for this course. The forum should basically be self-explanatory, but we have also compiled some general instructions on how to use it.

Publisert 17. jan. 2017 20:23

As announced in the lecture, there is now a problem sheet "0" online that will be discussed in the group exercise session next Thursday. These exercises are an excellent opportunity to fresh up your memory - take also a careful look at the preliminaries if you have not done so yet ! - but do not count towards the 10% contribution to the final grade stated on the course description page. 

The first "proper" problem sheet (no 1) will be handed out next Tuesday. From then on, you can collect points by actively participating during the group exercises and presenting your solutions. Those points will be added to the points achieved in the final exam to determine the final grade. Th...

Publisert 16. jan. 2017 09:47

The summary of required background knowledge for this course has just been updated to include basic notions from linear algebra and analysis.

Publisert 3. jan. 2017 21:03

The course starts in week 3, on January 17, and there is now a tentative syllabus available.

Before starting, however, it is a very good idea to fresh up your knowledge from previous courses!

Lectures will be on Tuesdays at 12am and on Fridays at 10am, both in Lille auditorium (?157), while exercise classes will be on Wednesdays at 8am (in seminar room ?443).

Welcome to the fascinating world of General Relativity!

Torsten Bringmann