
Publisert 25. juni 2016 23:00

The results for the written exam are now available.

Publisert 21. juni 2016 11:36

The solutions to the written exam are now online. Results will likely be published at the end of this week.

Publisert 1. juni 2016 10:19

As announced earlier, you will be allowed to bring three pages (2-sided) of own notes to the exam next week. You will be asked to both perform detailed calculations, and to demonstrate your understanding of general relativity in your own words. Like all the exercises, the exam questions will be in English (but you can answer in Norwegian if you prefer).


!!! Good luck !!!

Publisert 12. mai 2016 22:49

The last set of problems is now published. These will be discussed on Friday 20/05. 

At the end of the last lecture week, on Friday 27/05, there will be no exercises but a final Q&A session covering the whole course content (including exercises). Preparing questions is an excellent preparation for the exam.

Publisert 28. apr. 2016 22:50

The number of actively participating students has slightly dropped to around 13; all of you have solved more than the required 60% of the exercises to proceed to the final exam. Many of you are in fact much more active than that, which is very nice to see!

There will be only 3 more exercise sets (including the one put online today). 

Do contact me ASAP if you plan to take the final exam, but think that you may miss the goal of at least 20 successfully solved problems in total!

Publisert 15. apr. 2016 13:00

Next week the lecture on Tuesday (19/04) will exceptionally start already at 14:00. On Thursday, there will be no lecture. On Friday, there will be an exercise session as usual (but no new exercises handed out in week 16).

Publisert 13. apr. 2016 14:23

Thanks to Params effort, there will be online available solutions to the problems (from now on).

Publisert 28. mars 2016 16:17

In view of the recent discovery of gravitational waves, I have now updated the lecture plan.

Publisert 18. mars 2016 18:15

We have just completed the first half of the course, so it's time for another little status summary.

16 students are still actively participating, which is very nice to see! On average, you could present  14.8 out of 19 exercises so far (5 students even solved all). Currently there are only 2 students that are somewhat below the required 60% of the exercises to proceed to the final exam -- so you should try to catch up a bit if you intend to take the exam (still enough time for that!).

With ~15 students qualifying for the final exam, it will most likely be a written exam.

Enjoy the Easter break!


Publisert 10. mars 2016 21:52 now online. This marks roughly half of all the exercises for this course.

Publisert 25. feb. 2016 10:11

This week, there will be no new set of homework exercises. Instead, you are strongly encouraged to meet in small groups and discuss your understanding of the course content so far. Please prepare as concrete questions as possible; these will be discussed on March 04.

Publisert 23. feb. 2016 08:02

due to illness...

On Thursday we will continue as planned (hopefully), further exploring the concept of a manifold. 

Publisert 20. feb. 2016 14:25

You just completed the 3rd group exercise / discussion session, so it's time for a little status summary.

19 students are actively participating in the course, and could present an average of 6.8 out of 10 exercises so far (6 students even solved all). There are currently 6 students that so far could present only slightly less then the required 60% of the exercises to proceed to the final exam. But given that there is still a lot of time left, everyone is very good on track!

Publisert 4. feb. 2016 15:08

As announced in the lecture, next Tuesday (09/02) there will be no regular lecture but a dedicated discussion session addressing any potential questions that you may have with with the part of this course concerning specialrelativity (including index notation, conceptual problems, etc). Do use this opportunity, and prepare questions!

Apart from that, the second set of exercises is now online. Good luck!


Publisert 28. jan. 2016 11:38

The first set of problems is now online and will be on the agenda next Friday during the exercise session.

Recall that you are expected to present and discuss your solution at the blackboard. So preparing and discussing these problems together with other students is advantageous...

Publisert 18. jan. 2016 19:01

The course in general relativity will start as planned next Tuesday, i.e. Jan 26 at 2:15 pm in Lille Fys.

Literature and a tentative course plan can be found here.
