Exercises, weeks 4-8

We have been through the following exercises so far:

1.1 Tidal pendulum

1.2 Inside gravity of spherical mass

1.3 Earth-Moon system and Lagrange points

1.4 The Roche-limit


2.1 Twin paradox

2.2 Faster than light?

2.8 Doppler effect

2.13 Cerenkov radiation


3.1 One-forms

3.2 Tensor products

3.7 Wedge products

3.8 Two-dimensional coordinate transformations


4.1 Rotating disk

4.2 Free particle in accelerated reference frame


4.3 Uniformly accelerated system of reference

5.1 Spatial geodesics on rotating disk

Publisert 24. feb. 2014 11:19 - Sist endret 24. feb. 2014 11:19