Semesterside for FYS4130 - V?r 2020



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3.3) You can solve this analytically if you want to.

5) Eq.(5): The upper index on the sum should be N-1


29. mai 2020 08:32

Update: See exam page

The final exam in FYS4130 will be conducted as a home exam instead of a school exam due to the corona-situation.

The deadline for submission will be 7 days (1 week) from the starting time and the submission shall be done in Inspera. The expected extent of the work will be limited to 2 workdays, and all examination support materials are permitted. You will receive further practical information regarding the exam after Easter.

The course will be graded Passed/Fail, in adherence to the guidelines for examinations at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in the spring semester of 2020. The guidelines are published here:

For further information regarding Inspera please see  ...

3. apr. 2020 11:35

From now on: Information about the course will be given on Canvas only.

(It is too troublesome to duplicate every message on both Canvas and Vortex, so I will stick to Canvas)

16. mars 2020 12:51