Last week of teaching

The coming week, we will have problem solving on Monday 23/11 as usual (Problem set 13).

On Tuesday 24/11 I will  discuss on Zoom the two last prerecorded lectures (on the Lindblad equation for TLS and HO)

In addition to the two pre-recorded lectures, I have updated the additional lecture notes with all the material on solving the Lindblad equation in some examples.

On Wednesday 25/11 we will have Zoom lecture with no predefined content. You can ask about any topic you would like to discuss, any practical issues with exam etc. I have been asked whether we can also have a session with questions the next week, which I think is a good idea, I will post details later.



Publisert 22. nov. 2020 23:53 - Sist endret 22. nov. 2020 23:53