Course content

This is an advanced quantum physics course, where we focus on certain modern aspects of non-relativistic quantum mechanics. This includes the quantum description of composite systems, quantum entanglement and density matrices, quantum information and coherent quantum states.

We examine the basic elements of the theory, and show how simple quantum models, the two-level system and the harmonic oscillator, can be used to illustrate many of these aspects of quantum theory.

The following subjects are included in the course:

  • General formalism
    • Basic concepts
    • Field quantization
    • Quantum mechanics with path integrals
    • Spin dynamics and Rabi oscillations
    • Harmonic oscillator og coherent states
  • Quantum physics and probabilities
    • Classical and quantum probabilities
    • Pure and mixed states, density matrices
    • Correlations and quantum entanglement
    • The EPR-paradox og Bell’s inequalities
  • Quantum physics and information
    • Measurements and information
    • "No cloning" and quantum teleportation
    • The principles of quantum computing
  • Photons and atoms
    • Spontaneous and stimulated photon emission
    • Coherent photon states
    • The principles of lasers
    • Open quantum systems
  • Geometry and quantum physics (FYS9110)
    • Geometry in Hilbert space
    • Adiabatic evolution and Berry phases
Publisert 12. aug. 2015 14:30 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2015 09:45