Note: Chapter 5 of the lecture notes (Quantum mechanics and geometry) is not included in the curriculum of the course.
The problem sets from exams 2008 and 2010, with solutions, are now available
Permitted materials at the exam are: Calculator, ?grim og Lian or Angell og Lian: St?rrelser og enheter i fysikken, Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling
The problem sets from exams 2009 and 2011, with solutions, are now available
The lecture series is now completed, and there is no teaching on Tuesday and Thursday the coming week. The last exercises class will be the coming Friday, 30 November.
The results from the midterm exam are now available.
There will be no teaching Thursday, 8 November.
Midterm Exam: The problem set is now available.
Note: Initially there was an error in the text in point 2g, which has been corrected. The plot of the density as fuction of z, should be done in the same way as in 2e).
Midterm Exam: The problem set is available on the course page from Friday, October 19. Written/printed solutions should be returned to Ekspedisjonskontoret in the Physics building before closing time Friday, October 26.
A collection of midterm exams from earlier years is now available
Note: The exercises next week will be on Thursday, September 27, while there will be lectures on Friday.
Midterm Exam: Due to conflict with the midterm exam in another physics course we shift the time for the exam to week 43. This means that the problems will be available on Friday 19 Oct. (in the afternoon) and the solutions should be returned before closing time in the Ekspedisjonskontoret on Friday 26 Oct.
Midterm Exam, is preliminary scheduled for the week Oct. 12-19. It will be fixed for this period, unless there are serious problems with the chosen time. In that case please contact me before the end of the week.
The lecture notes are now available on the course page as LectureNotes.pdf.
The first week lectures will be given on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Later the Friday lecturing time will be used for exercises.
As textbook for the course we use a set of lecture notes that can be downloaded from the course page. It will be available from semester start.
At the end of each week the program for the coming week will be available under the headline "Tid og sted".
As supplementary literature can be recommended:
J.J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison Wesley (1993)
Michel Le Bellac: Quantum physics, Cambridge University Press (2006)
These textbooks in parts include subjects discussed in the course, but they in addition cover many other subjects.