Curriculum for FYS3231 and FYS4231

Textbook for FYS3230 is:

Jacob Fraden: Handbook of Modern Sensors. 5. utgave. Springer Forlag.

  • Chapters 1 - 6: The whole chapters are part of the curriculum
  • Chapters 7 - 18: For each of the chapters:
    • Read the introduction
    • Then read through the rest of the chapter to get a certain overview
    • Choose two sensors in each chapter that you study in detail
  • Chapter 19: Not part of the curriculum

The book can be purchased in the book store, but you can aso find it as a PDF-file here (NB: You must be on an UiO IP address).

Here are some tips for preparing for the exam.

Here are the exam evaluation guidelines.

Publisert 12. aug. 2019 20:59 - Sist endret 12. aug. 2019 20:59