
Publisert 8. nov. 2023 14:52

Hi all,

Just a reminder that Friday this week (November 10), we will have our lecture in Auditorium 209 in Svein Rosselands hus (the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics). The reason is a PhD defense in our usual auditorium.

(But the lecture tomorrow, Thursday, is in the usual place.)


Publisert 30. okt. 2023 21:57

Hi all,

The lecture this Thursday, November 2, will be in Store fysiske lesesal, on the top floor of the Physics building.

The reason is that our regular auditorium is booked for a PhD defense.

Also, note that on Friday November 10 we will have our lecture in Auditorium 209 in Svein Rosselands hus (the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics). The reason is again a PhD defense in our auditorium.

Both these location changes are listed on the schedule page.


Publisert 17. okt. 2023 23:55

Hi all,

There will be no lectures this week, so you will have some extra time to finish project 3. The group sessions will run as normal.


Publisert 2. okt. 2023 17:42


This message is only relevant for those who could not attend the lecture last Friday (September 29) due to the collision with the lab session in another course.

I've dug up the recordings of the corresponding lectures from last year so you can watch that. The videos are here.


Publisert 27. sep. 2023 13:39

Hi all,

This is just a heads up that the lecture on Thursday October 5 is an especially important one, so I encourage everyone to attend and pay close attention. In that lecture we will discuss how to write scientific reports. This is the report format that we require for Projects 3, 4 and 5, which are the projects that your final grades are based on.


Publisert 25. sep. 2023 14:46

Hi all,

We hope you can take a minute to answer a quick, anonymous questionnaire about what you think of the course so far:

The questionnaire is very short -- it should literally only take a minute or two -- but it's still very useful feedback for us teachers.

The questionnaire closes on Friday October 13, so please submit your response before then.


Publisert 18. sep. 2023 22:35

Hi all,

This is just a friendly reminder that you are expected to pay close attention to your Canvas messages and your university email address. We sometimes need to get in touch with you, e.g. regarding a project you have handed in (missing files, missing links, broken pdf, ...), and Canvas/email is the way we do this.


Publisert 16. sep. 2023 21:17

Hi all,

So far this semester we haven't had many students coming to the Friday morning (08.1510.00) group sessions. So if you would like some more help with the course, I encourage you to get up early on Fridays, bring some coffee and join that morning group. :)



Publisert 9. sep. 2023 11:59

Dear all,

There will unfortunately not be a lecture in StoreFy on Friday September 15. Instead I will provide a recorded lecture that you can watch.

The group sessions on September 15 will run as usual.


Publisert 9. sep. 2023 11:56

Dear all,

Since we are close to the deadline for project 1, let me just give you a friendly reminder to carefully read the instructions on the top of the project page before you hand in your project.

In particular, make sure that:

  • you assign yourself to one of the Project 1 groups on Canvas, even if you are working alone. (You'll find these groups via the Persons page.)
  • you deliver a pdf document, typeset in LaTeX
  • your pdf document contains the URL to the UiO GitHub repository with your code. (Please include the full URL in text, not just as a hyperlinked word.)

Good luck finishing your projects!


Publisert 27. aug. 2023 20:39

Hi all,

To help you plan your semester, here are the tentative deadlines for the five obligatory assignments in this course. (This was also mentioned in the first lecture.) Keep in mind that the dates are subject to change.

  • Project 1: September 12
  • Project 2: September 26
  • Project 3: October 24
  • Project 4: November 21
  • Project 5: December 12
Publisert 12. aug. 2023 17:11

Dear all,

Welcome to this course on computational physics. We look forward to meeting you all!

Here's some practical info, in preparation for the start of teaching in week 34:

  • Our first lecture will be on Thursday 24 August, at 10:15 in Store fysiske auditorium.
  • We have a dedicated course web page for all the fun, technical stuff in the course. This is were you will find things like tutorials, code snippets, project descriptions, etc. (Note that these pages are in active development.)
  • Important note for Windows users: This course is based on everyone having access to a Unix terminal, i.e. the basic command-line system used on Linux and Mac. For Windows users this means that you must install Windows Subsystem for Linux...