Special last lecture! (No recording)

Hi all,

On Thursday we have our last lecture for this fall. For that lecture, we are very lucky to have J?rgen Eriksson Midtb? visit us from FHI, to give a guest lecture on how computational physics is useful in his work on modelling pandemics.

J?rgen has a Master's degree in theoretical physics and a PhD in nuclear physics from UiO, and has worked at FHI for the last few (rather eventful) years. And he's is a very good lecturer. So I suggest you bring some coffee, forget about your project 5 worries for a couple of hours, and enjoy what will surely be a very interesting lecture. :)

Note that this lecture will not be recorded.

I will also give a brief introduction to my own research (particle physics) and highlight how aspects of computational physics pops up everywhere. And we'll briefly summarize the various topics we've covered in this course.

See you on Thursday,

Publisert 30. nov. 2022 01:32 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2022 01:36