Last lecture on wednesday 26. Final syllabus (pensumliste) on webpage and slides for this week. Remember to sign up for the oral exam.
We would appreciate it very much if you could find some time to fill in the evaluation form enclosed under the course material. It should not take you more than 10-15 minutes. It is fully anonymous and your comments will normally help improve the quality of the course. The form is available till November 30.
Project 4 will be available (late) Tuesday October 14.
Upgraded slides with Jacobi algo from lectures are now available under slides from lectures.
Project 3 is now available, see under projects.
The exam schedule is now ready, please come with your wishes, send an email with preferred date and time to Morten.
Project nr 2 is now ready and available under projects.
Revised lecture notes (which define most of the 2008 syllabus) are available under lecture notes. A correction of several typographical errors is the major modification. A section on the SVD (4.5) and a section on adaptive runge-kutta will be added on later this semester. No changes will be made to this document before november 30.
Project 1 is now available, deadline for report September 15. See under projects.
Here are some useful links for those who seek online help on C++ with emphasis on standard template library or more general info at
There is a good free C++ compiler environment for windows, see here
If you wish to emulate a windows terminal from the linux machines at the lab, you can use the command 'rdesktop -k no -g 1024x768' or replace with bel and kaos are two windows servers at UiO.
The lab schedule is now ready, please check your name and group, see the Computer Lab schedule link on this webpage.
First lecture is Monday August 18. The lecture notes which are available at the webpage are from fall 2007. A new version will be available August 31.