
Publisert 25. juni 2019 15:16

The grades for FYS3140 are now registered in Studentweb. The final extended solution has replaced the preliminary solution.

Publisert 13. juni 2019 13:35

A solution for the exam, including some details on how it will be graded, can be found here. Note that this is preliminary, and that a final version will be posted around the time the grades are announced. In addition to perhaps discovering typos, we may want to add some comments after actually correcting the exams.

Publisert 27. mai 2019 14:39

Thanks to all who participated in the pilot study this morning! Here is a solution to the problems you were asked to solve.

Publisert 22. mai 2019 09:53

It is still possible to sign up for the problem solving session on May 27 (cfr. previous announcement and email). You can sign up by contacting Ruben (, with the subject "Sign-up for physics project". 

Here's once again the list of benefits :)

* You get paid (up to 300kr)

* The setting is similar to a real exam (though all problems will be from complex analysis), good practice for June 13th

* You may bring the same support material as to the real exam, including 2 pages (rather than 4) of own notes. Flying start to preparing your notes for June 13th! 

* No pressure: Full anonymity, no grading, but a solution will be provided 

* Via the questionaries you will provide helpful input that may enable us to offer future students even better courses

Don't hesitate to ask me if you have questions! 

Publisert 21. mai 2019 11:20

The list of support materials you are allowed to bring to the exam is found here. Note especially that you are allowed to write on both sides of your two sheets of own notes, i.e. 4 pages total. Both hand-written and electronically written are ok. Any font, provided it is readable without a magnifying glass ;) And it's always good to bring Rottmann.

Publisert 10. mai 2019 13:16

The plan is to finish the lectures this coming week, see weekly schedule. The last lecture will include a summary of the course, along with some advice on exam preparations.

Publisert 30. apr. 2019 10:50

The final exam + solution from 2018 are now available under "old exam problems and solutions"

Publisert 26. apr. 2019 14:57

Hi all, we would still love to get more volunteers for the problem solving session on May 27 (cfr. previous announcement and email). You can sign up by contacting Ruben (, with the subject "Sign-up for physics project". 

In case you still wonder what's in it for you...:

* You get paid (up to 300kr)

* The setting is similar to a real exam (though all problems will be from complex analysis), good practice for June 13th

* You may bring the same support material as to the real exam, including 2 pages (rather than 4) of own notes. Flying start to preparing your notes for June 13th! 

* No pressure: Full anonymity, no grading, but a solution will be provided 

* Via the questionaries you will provide helpful input that may enable us to offer future students even better courses

Don't hesitate to as...

Publisert 8. apr. 2019 15:03

The home exam results have finally been posted. You can also find them here. This score will be combine with the result of your written exam in June to give the final grade.

Publisert 3. apr. 2019 14:35

There will be no problem session on Wednesday April 10. We refer you to the problem session on Friday April 12th and Piazza.

Due to the Easter break, I will extend the deadline for problem set 10 until April 23rd.

Publisert 22. mars 2019 17:45

After the midterms we will start recruiting volunteers for a problem session in Store Fysiske Auditorium on May 27, 10-13h. This is part of a research project, fully anonymous, and has no impact on your grade. In short, you get paid (up to 300kr) for working on exam-relevant problems and answering some short questionnaires. We hope to recruit at least 40 students who are taking FYS3140 this semester. Stand by for more info after the midterm week!

See also the info posted back in January

Publisert 18. mars 2019 13:25

Here is a hand-written solution draft for the home exam including info on how we expect to give points. This serves as a guideline to the people correcting and may be adjusted (and written out electronically) after we've gone through the exams. Each exam will be corrected by two people independently, who then compare and agree on a score.

Publisert 11. mars 2019 11:14

There seem to be some problems with the link for downloading the problem set from Inspera. The admin people are working on it. Meanwhile, you can also download the problem set here. Good luck!

Publisert 1. mars 2019 14:15

The midterm exam will be available on March 11 at 08:00. It is in the form of a take home exam, and so you do not need to be present at the university. The problem set will be available through the Inspera exam system, and you will also hand in your answers there, deadline is March 18 at 10:00. To hand in your answers, make them into a single file (pdf is preferred, < 1Gb) and upload it to the inspera system. To make the file, either use a scanner/scan app or take photos of your handwritten answer sheets (make sure that the resulting file is readable), or make a LaTeX pdf- file.

Check this out:

Information about home exams on the Inspera system

If problems arise, send an email to:
Publisert 13. feb. 2019 10:28

To help digest the course material so far, TA Eirik will go through old exam problems involving complex analysis, and take questions, in Tuesday's lecture. To prepare, have a look at the following, which are all found in the "old exam problems" folder:

Home exam 2018 problem 2

Final exam 2017 problem 3

Final exam 2012 problem 1

In addition, he will prepare a Jordan's lemma-type problem (i.e. one of the problems between 14.7.14-14.7.20 that is not in the problem set).

Publisert 25. jan. 2019 14:40

You can now hand in problem set 1. The deadline has been postponed to Monday morning 10am. 

Since many of you have your problem session on Fridays, deadlines on future problem sets will be set to Monday 10am as well.

Publisert 23. jan. 2019 12:13

Devilry is still not up and running. Please have your problem set 1 ready for hand-in by 25/1 anyway. I will post a message here, and a link to Devilry, as soon everything works -- hopefully this week or next. Meanwhile, work on problem set 2 which will be posted shortly.

Publisert 17. jan. 2019 15:06

A piazza page for this course has now been created, see link under "Weekly problems and solutions". Here you can post questions and discussions about problems, and the course in general.  We strongly encourage students to discuss among themselves and post answers to each others' questions, before the instructors approve or answer.

Publisert 17. jan. 2019 14:43

Student representatives for FYS3140 this semester:

Anders Julton ( and Ivar Haugerud (

Publisert 3. jan. 2019 11:49

Welcome to Mathematical Methods! I have posted a brief lecture note with basics of complex numbers. You are expected to know this from previous courses, and this material will be used in the lectures and problems without further explanation. So please have a look, and if anything does not look super familiar, or you haven't used it in a while, please refresh! See you soon. :)