Info about the midterm exam

The midterm exam will be held in the period Oct.7 3:00pm - Oct. 14. 2:00pm. The problem set will be available on the inspera digital exam platform, and you should also upload your scanned answers there. 

For info about the rules for the exam, see the front page of the exam.

There are in all 8 subproblems. Each subproblem is marked with its max score, and they sum to a max total of 42. 


There are no lectures nor exercise sessions in the week of the midterm exam.

Problem set 7 will be due on Tuesday Oct 18, and problem set 8 will be available on Oct. 14.


Publisert 2. okt. 2022 20:47 - Sist endret 2. okt. 2022 20:47