We are done grading the exams. The results will be available on studentweb shortly.
Happy christmas holidays to all of you!
On the final exam you may bring:
Approved calculator, D.J. Griffiths: “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics”, the printed notes: “Time evolution of states in quantum mechanics”, “Symmetry and degeneracy” and “WKB connection formulae”, one handwritten A4-sheet(2 pages) with your own notes, and K. Rottmann: “Matematisk formelsamling”.
For your own benefit you should bring these materials.
Please note that the excercises in FYS3110 on Wednesday, 28 October will be moved to room ?467 in the Eastern part of the Physics buildning.
General: The amount of calculations needed in the different subproblems in the exam are not equal. Some subproblems require only one line of calculations, others require substantially more.
1.5 You are not allowed to use sympy. Of course you can check your calculations with sympy, but the calculations should be analytical with justifications for each step, so we can see what you have done. Neglect the tau neutrino in this subproblem.
1.6 You may interpret the ratio 1/10000 to mean that the probability of detecting a muon neutrino is 1/10000. "Far away" means "an unspecified distance". "a limit" means "a lowest upper bound or a greatest lower bound". Only one of these bounds can be deduced here when you dont know the distance nor the neutrino velocity. Neglect the tau neutrino in this subproblem.
We have received a hand-in of problem set 2 without a name on it. Please contact Susanne Viefers if you don't find your paper in the front office.
Everybody: Please pick up your returned hand-ins in the letter box marked "FYS3110 ferdig rettet". It is recommended you take care of them throughout the semester, for later reference, and to keep track of the number of passed/failed assignments you have.
Next week the time for the exercise session and the second lecture will be swapped.
Mon. Sept. 14: Lecture 12-14 in LilleFy
Tue. Sept. 15: Exercise session 14-16 in LilleFy
Wed. Sept. 16: Lecture 14-16 in LilleFy
Some students have requested to change the dates of the midterm exam. I propose to postpone it one week. ie. holding it in the period Oct. 2.-9. Any weighty protests to this proposed change must be emailed me within Sept. 1. I will decide what to do based on the emails I receive. Update Sept. 3.: I have received many objections to the proposed move, so the midterm exam will be held on the previously announced dates: Sep. 25.-Oct. 2.
The first lecture will be on Monday Aug. 17. at 12:15 in FV232 (Lillefy). Welcome!