The exam solution is here . We have now graded the exam, the final grades will be available on Student-Web in a few days.
The solution for problem set 12 is now available.
On the exam you may bring: Approved calculator, D.J. Griffiths: “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics”, the printed notes: “Time evolution of states in quantum mechanics”, “Symmetry and degeneracy” and "WKB connection formulae", one handwritten A4-sheet(2 pages) with your own notes, and K. Rottmann: “Matematisk formelsamling”
A sheet with the WKB-connection formulae
The list of people eligible (>=6 problem sets) for the exam will be handed in to the administration on Monday. There will be one more problem set so that you can get some training on WKB and time-dep. pert. theory: Problem set 12 .This set will not count among the 6, and will not be corrected, but there will be a in-class help session on it on Tuesday, as well as a solution posted at the end of the week.
Problem Set 11. It is due Friday November 18. at 14:30. This will be the last problem set to be handed in.
Here is the response to a question I got. It is an example case showing that "good" states are not necessarily exact eigenstates of the Hamiltonian, even though they diagonalize the perturbation.
Problem Set 10. It is due Friday November 11. at 14:30.
Problem Set 9. It is due Friday November 4. at 14:30.
Problem Set 8. It is due Friday October 28. at 14:30.
We have graded the midterm. Solution and scores are posted on the exams page
Set 7 is here. It is due Friday October 21. at 14:30. (there will be a total of 11 sets, you need 6 to attend the final exam.)
The midterm is over... Now a new problem set... Set 6 is here. It is due Friday October 14. at 14:30.
I raised the issue about moving the in-class help session from Tuesday to Thursdays. It seems that while it might be of benefit for some of you, it will be a disadvantage for others. Thus no change will be made at this point in time. (There is also a room problem issue on Thursdays...)
There are no lectures and no in-class help (Tuesday) next week (midterm exam week).
The midterm exam is here. It is due Friday October 7. at 14:30. Remember to put your candidate number on your answer sheets. Good luck!
Our new group teacher is Lars Dal,
Problem set 5 is here. It is due Friday September 30. at 14:30.
Problem set 4 is here. It is due Friday September 23. at 14:30.
I have been asked to point out problems/exercises in Griffiths that are useful in illustrating the lecture material. I will do so on the problems page. These extra problems are not part of the weekly assignment and should not be handed in.
Problem set 3 is here. It is due Friday September 16. at 14:30.
Problem set 2 is here. It is due Friday September 9. at 14:30.
Problem set 1 is here. It is due Friday September 2. at 14:30.
F?rste forelesning er mandag 22.8 kl 14 i LilleFy. Velkommen!