Lecture notes

Lecture notes

Your first Atomify Lammps simulation

Open your First simulation using Atomify Lammps

My first MD simulation


Click on the example entitled: My first MD simulation


Diffusion simulations

Here is a video about diffusion of heat and matter and a video about diffusion using MD. Finally, a video on vthe random walk as a diffusion process and on an algorithmic model of diffusion.

3D diffusion MSD


Click on the example entitled: 3D diffusion MSD


In these simulations, we simulate atoms diffusing in a liquid and measure the diffusion coefficient using the mean square displacement. The mean square displacement in the x-direction is defined as

\( MSD = \langle (\vec x(t) - \vec x_0)^2\rangle = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N} |\vec x^{(i)}(t) - \vec x^{(i)}_0|^2 \)

and relates to the diffusion coefficient \( D \) as

\( D = \frac{\langle (\vec x(t) - \vec x_0)^2\rangle}{2t} \)

where \( t \) is the time.

Weekly exercise

In order to make sure you reach the learning goals of this week: complete the weekly exercises of week 36.