Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell relations

First there is a lecture with a lot of thermodynamic relations, then I will discuss a number of the questions that have been posed in the last lectures. You learn more and have more fun if you discuss these questions with someone before watching the videos.

Thanks to Mike Dubson, Victor Gurarie, and Michael Hermele for the nice collection of questions that I've been using.

Lecture notes

Video on thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell relations



Video on temperature questions

Video on entropy and heat questions

Video on entropy and internal energy questions

Video on reaction questions

Video on chemical equilibrium question

Video on pressure and diffusion questions. Beware: I did a mistake in  the total differential writing minus instead of plus!

Video on cooling down questions

Engines and refrigerators

Lecture notes

Video on engines and refrigerators

Video on the Carnot cycle

Publisert 26. sep. 2023 19:15 - Sist endret 28. sep. 2023 15:25