Lab, lectures, corona and more

Dear students of Fys2160

The coming two weeks you will do lab exercise number 2. Here are some instructions:

- Sign up now the same way as last time

- There is an experimental part and a numerical part like last time and we want a joint report like last time.

- Read the texts and see the video before you come. The more you prepare the less stressful your day will be.

- Several students of Fys2160 have been infected by Covid-19 lately. Please follow the national infection control guidelines. Read also the infection prevention guidelines for the lab.

- If you cannot come to the lab you will have access to a video of the experiments, a data set from the experiments and supervision by zoom during the lab hours.

Tomorrow, Monday 12 Oct. there will not be a new lecture, but I will be available on zoom (, email and padlet between 14:15 and 16:00 to answer questions about the oblig, lab, lectures, ++. I will do my best to answer and help you.

This week I will also open a survey about how the course is working out for you this semester. Please answer to help us improve the course!


Dag Kristian


Publisert 11. okt. 2020 22:21 - Sist endret 11. okt. 2020 22:28