#!/usr/bin/env python """ Created on Sun 27 Oct 2013. Uses the Crank Nicolson scheme to solve the time dependent Schrodinger equation for a potential well. Animation is done using the matplotlib.pyplot library. Usage: python CrankNicolsonPotentialWell.py or equivalent: ./CrankNicolsonPotentialWell.py No commandline arguments are needed. @author Kristoffer Braekken """ # Tools for sparse matrices import scipy.sparse as sparse import scipy.sparse.linalg # Numerical tools from numpy import * # Plotting library from matplotlib.pyplot import * """Physical constants""" _E0p = 938.27 # Rest energy for a proton [MeV] _hbarc = 0.1973 # [MeV pm] _c = 3.0e2 # Spees of light [pm / as] def Psi0( x ): ''' Initial state for a travelling gaussian wave packet. ''' x0 = 0 # [pm] a = 0.0050 # [pm] A = ( 1. / ( 2 * pi * a**2 ) )**0.25 K1 = exp( - ( x - x0 )**2 / ( 4. * a**2 ) ) return A * K1 def potentialWell( x, depth=35, width=0.15 ): """ Gives the potential for a potential well of depth depth and width width. @param depth Gives the depth of the potential well. Given as the magnitude (positive integer / double / float). @param width Gives the width of the potential well. Given as positive integer definig the fraction of the x spectrum to contain the well. For example, 1 will mean that the well covers the whole spectrum and 0.5 that it covers half of it. """ # Declare new empty array with same length as x potential = zeros( len( x ) ) potential[ (0.5-0.5*width)*len(potential) : (0.5+0.5*width)*len(potential) ] = -depth return potential if __name__ == '__main__': nx = 1001 # Number of points in x direction dx = 0.001 # Distance between x points [pm] # Use zero as center, same amount of points each side a = - 0.5 * nx * dx b = 0.5 * nx * dx x = linspace( a, b, nx ) # Time parameters T = 0.2 # How long to run simulation [as] dt = 1e-4 # The time step [as] t = 0 time_steps = int( T / dt ) # Number of time steps # Constants - save time by calculating outside of loop k1 = - ( 1j * _hbarc * _c) / (2. * _E0p ) k2 = ( 1j * _c ) / _hbarc # Create the initial state Psi Psi = Psi0(x) # Create the matrix containing central differences. It it used to # approximate the second derivative. data = ones((3, nx)) data[1] = -2*data[1] diags = [-1,0,1] D2 = k1 / dx**2 * sparse.spdiags(data,diags,nx,nx) # Identity Matrix I = sparse.identity(nx) # Create the diagonal matrix containing the potential. V_data = potentialWell(x) V_diags = [0] V = k2 * sparse.spdiags(V_data, V_diags, nx, nx) # Put mmatplotlib in interactive mode for animation ion() # Setup the figure before starting animation fig = figure() # Create window ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # Add axes line, = ax.plot( x, abs(Psi)**2, label='$|\Psi(x,t)|^2$' ) # Fetch the line object # Also draw a green line illustrating the potential ax.plot( x, V_data, label='$V(x)$' ) # Add other properties to the plot to make it elegant fig.suptitle("Solution of Schrodinger's equation with potential well") # Title of plot ax.grid('on') # Square grid lines in plot ax.set_xlabel('$x$ [pm]') # X label of axes ax.set_ylabel('$|\Psi(x, t)|^2$ [1/pm] and $V(x)$ [MeV]') # Y label of axes ax.legend(loc='best') # Adds labels of the lines to the window draw() # Draws first window # Time loop while t < T: """ For each iteration: Solve the system of linear equations: (I - k/2*D2) u_new = (I + k/2*D2)*u_old """ # Set the elements of the equation A = (I - dt/2*(D2 + V)) b = (I + dt/2. * (D2 + V)) * Psi # Calculate the new Psi Psi = sparse.linalg.spsolve(A,b) # Update time t += dt # Plot this new state line.set_ydata( abs(Psi)**2 ) # Update the y values of the Psi line draw() # Update the plot # Turn off interactive mode ioff() # Add show so that windows do not automatically close show()