Welcome to FYS-STK3155/4155. Plans for the first week

Overview of first week

First of all a warm welcome to you all.

Our first lecture is Monday August 19, 1015am-12pm.

The sessions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays last four hours for each group (four in total) and will include lectures in a flipped mode (promoting active learning) and work on exercices and projects. The sessions will begin with lectures and questions and answers about the material to be covered every week. There are four groups, Tuesdays 815am-12pm and 1215pm-4pm and Wednesdays 815am-12pm and 1215pm-4pm. Please sign up as soon as possible for one of the groups. Max capacity per group is 30-40 participants. Please select the group which fits you best.

The first week we start with simple linear regression, a repetition of linear algebra and elements of statistics needed for the course.


  • August 19: Presentation of the course, aims and content. Introduction to software and repetition of Python Programming, linear algebra and basic elements of statistics. Discussion of linear regression.
  • August 20:  Lab session with some lectures.
  • August 21: Same as on Tuesday, please select your group.
Publisert 19. aug. 2024 05:39 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2024 05:39