Plans for the week of September 16-20

Dear all, welcome back to a new exciting week with machine learning! Our plans this week are as follows, with lecture notes at for example


Material for the lecture on Monday September 16.

  • Logistic regression as our first encounter of classification methods. From binary cases to several categories.

  • Start gradient and optimization methods

Suggested reading and videos


Plans for the lab session and material for the active learning sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • Repetition from last week on the bias-variance tradeoff

  • Resampling techniques, cross-validation examples included here, see also the lectures from last week on the bootstrap method

  • Exercise for week 38 on the bias-variance tradeoff, see also the video from the lab session from week 37 at

  • Work on project 1, in particular resampling methods like cross-validation and bootstrap.

Best wishes to you all,

Fahimeh, Ida, Karl Henrik, Mia,, Morten, Odin, and Sigurd

Publisert 15. sep. 2024 13:48 - Sist endret 15. sep. 2024 13:48