Weekly plans and update for week 48

Hi all! This is sadly our last week and the semester comes to an end. Hopefully you are all doing well and have been able to start working on the last project.

This Wednesday is our last lab session with in-person labs. We will also keep the digital lab open from 8am to 6pm. We will also offer digital labs on Wednesday December 2 from 10am-12pm and Wednesday December 9 from 10am-12pm.  The zoom link will be mailed to you later. 


Else, on Thursday we wrap up our discussion on support vector machines, repeating the linear classification approach discussed last week and venturing into Kernels for non-linear problems and regression as well with examples. Finally, we summarize, with perspectives for future ML studies and a discussion of new directions in machine learning approaches, on Friday. This is our last lecture.  


The slides (almost ready) are at https://compphysics.github.io/MachineLearning/doc/pub/week48/html/._week48-bs000.html. For support vector machines, see also Hastie et al sections 12.1-12.3 as well as Geron's chapter 5. The video on SVM+kernels athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Toet3EiSFcM&ab_channel=StatQuestwithJoshStarmer is quite good!


Cheers and best wishes,

Morten et al



PS, for those interested, we have a machine learning seminar this Friday at 1615 by Signe Riemer-S?rensen from Sintef, see below.



/////   Interesting seminar


Time: Friday November 27 at 1615, zoom, see below

Title: Machine learning in the real world

Abstract: Machine learning algorithms are flexible and powerful, but the data requirements are high and rarely met by the available data. Real world data is often medium sized (relative to problem side), noisy and full of missing values. At the same time, in order to deploy machine learning in industrial settings, they must be robust, explainable and have quantified uncertainties. I will show practical examples of these challenges from our projects and some case-by-case solutions, but also highlight remaining issues and research directions.


Signe will also talk about PhD possibilities, internships, possible Master of Science topics and possibly also summer jobs! Before joining Sintef, Signe was a researcher in Astrophysics working on topics like dark energy and 

dark matter, cosmology, neutrinos and much more, see https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_EQPk6YAAAAJ&hl=en.

After her PhDat the University in Copenhagen in 2009, she has been a postdoctoral fellow in Denmark, Australia and Norway before joining Sintef recently.


The zoom link is

Topic: CS seminars and Discussions of Master of Science projects

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime


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Meeting ID: 933 6828 6835

Passcode: 624155

Publisert 24. nov. 2020 08:40 - Sist endret 24. nov. 2020 08:40