Weekly plans and update for week 45

Dear all, we hope you all are doing well and are staying healthy.

Here comes the weekly FYS-STK3155/4155 update. Our labs on Wednesdays will continue as normal, in person labs and two digital labs. Please feel free to attend the labs.

You should now have received  feeback for project 1, but let us know if we have forgotten somebody or something seems wrong.

Else, concerning project 2, several of you have asked for a small extension. We will update you before the weekend. Please stay tuned. 


Besides the labs, this 

Thursday we will wrap up what we did last week, finalized our discussion on  Bagging and Voting before moving to Random forests and Boosting methods.

Friday is dedicated to  Boosting and gradient boosting.

As reading background we recommend

Geron's chapter 7. See also lecture from STK-IN4300, lecture 9 /studier/emner/matnat/math/STK-IN4300/h20/slides/lecture_9.pdf. Chapter 10 (sections 10.1-10.10 are the most relevant ones)  of Hastie et al contains also a good discussion.


Video on boosting methods by Hastie (the textbook author): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPqtzj5VZus&ab_channel=H2O.ai is also very good.


The slides are at https://compphysics.github.io/MachineLearning/doc/pub/week45/html/week45-bs.html.

Best to you all,

the fys-stk gang

Publisert 4. nov. 2020 12:12 - Sist endret 4. nov. 2020 12:12