Additional message week 35 about labs

Dear all, here follows an update on the lab sessions for our first lab day, Wednesday August 25.

For the digital labs at 815-10am (lab 2) and 415-6pm (lab 7), the zoom link is

Zoom link

Join Zoom Meeting


Many of you have asked the study admin of the Department of Physics (write to for changes in lab schedule. And some of you have not been assigned a lab session yet. We hope this can solved by the end of this week. 


We are also planning to: 

1) keep lab 8 open so you can stay in room F?434 till 6pm, this will be in person.

2) offer an additional digital lab nr 9. This needs to be approved by the studieadmin.


Irrespective of an additional lab, we keep lab 8 open, the room has with social distancing a capacity of 20 (approx). 



Best wishes to everybody,

Morten et al


p.s. for those of you not familiar with git and GitHub/GitLab, we will help you getting started with that tomorrow. Also, the exercise set has solutions, as you may have noticed. This was done on purpose in order to get you started in a soft way.  These solutions will also be discussed during the lectures Thursday and Friday.

Publisert 25. aug. 2020 17:56 - Sist endret 25. aug. 2020 17:56