Change of time for Thursday's lectures

Dear All, I hope the semester start has been a smooth one and that you have had an enjoyable summer. Welcome to FYS-STK3155/4155.


Our first lecture is Thursday Aug 20 and due to an unfortunate error by the study administration we were assigned a lecture hall with too small a capacity.

Unfortunately this means that our lecture starts at 1415 instead of 1215. I hope this does not cause too many problems and I apologize again for this unfortunate situation. It was impossible to swap auditoria right before semester start.    

It means that our lectures will be

Thursday 1415-16 in Store Fys Aud, Dept of Physics

Friday  1215-14 , same place.

The time for the lab is still Tuesdays 8-16. In case there is need for more lab time we may expand.


Else, all material is at the GitHub site of the course with an easier to read display at


After some general introductory words, we start with the Getting started slides and more thereafter to Linear Regression. 

We will send a weekly update mail with recent developments etc etc. Here we just wanted to greet you welcome and point to the unfortunate classroom  change.

best wishes for the semester and we hope you will enjoy the course,

Morten, Lucas, Hanna and Stian  

Publisert 21. aug. 2019 08:18 - Sist endret 21. aug. 2019 08:18