
Pensumliste FRM4030


Pensum for forelesningene i NMR, UV, IR, MS:

Organic Chemistry, 1. ed. (eller 2. ed.)
Kapittel 15: IR og MS
Kapittel 16: NMR
Kapittel 17.11 og 17.12: UV-spektroskopi

I tillegg er laboratorieheftet side 6-54 om HMS, arbeid p? laboratoriet og laboratorieteknikker pensum for de som skal ta laboratoriekurset i legemiddelkjemi.


Pensum for forelesningene i preparative metoder og bioassays:

Gr?nhaug TE, Ghildyal P, Barsett H, Michaelsen TE, Morris G, Diallo D, Inngjerdingen M, Paulsen BS. Bioactive arabinogalactans from the leaves of Opilia celtidifolia Endl. ex Walp. (Opiliaceae). Glycobiology 20 (2010) 1654–1664,

Michaelsen TE, Gilje A, Samuelsen AB, H?g?sen K, Paulsen BS. Interaction between human complement and a pectin type polysaccharide fraction, PMII, from the leaves of Plantago major L. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 52 (2000) 483-490

Pieters L, Vlietinck AJ. Bioguided isolation of pharmacologically active plant components, still a valuable strategy for the finding of new lead compounds? Journal of Ethnopharmacology 100 (2005) 57–60

Shi L. Bioactivities, isolation and purification methods of polysaccharides from natural products: A review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 92 (2016) 37–48

Sticher O. Natural product isolation. Natural Products Report 25 (2008) 517–554


St?ttelitteratur :
Amersham Biosciences. Protein purification, handbook.

Publisert 4. des. 2017 15:50 - Sist endret 4. des. 2017 15:50