Course content

Advanced introduction to radiation transport applied to stellar atmospheres and numerical stellar atmosphere models, radiation in energy balance in stars, 3D radiation transport and radiation magnetohydrodynamics.

Learning outcome

The course provides a theoretical and practical background to Ph.D. theses in radiation transport and stellar atmosphere models.


PhD candidates from the University of Oslo should apply for classes and register for examinations through Studentweb.

If a course has limited intake capacity, priority will be given to PhD candidates who follow an individual education plan where this particular course is included. Some national researchers’ schools may have specific rules for ranking applicants for courses with limited intake capacity.

PhD candidates who have been admitted to another higher education institution must apply for a position as a visiting student within a given deadline.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

Bachelor degree of the Fysikk, astronomi og meteorologi (bachelor) (continued) programme or comparable.

Recommended previous knowledge

Bachelor degree of the Fysikk, astronomi og meteorologi (bachelor) (continued) programme or comparable.

Overlapping courses

No overlap.


There will be 2 hours of lectures/tutorials every week in the first half of the semester. The second half of the semester you will be working on a project paper with individual tutoring.


Final course grade will be based on a compulsory project paper and a final oral exam.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Facts about this course

Every spring
Every spring
Teaching language
Norwegian (English on request)