
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
14.01.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Course presentation? Brief review of course, and administration of accounts etc.?
19.01.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Brief overview of the course: From parameters to the CMB spectrum? Power point lecture; no need to take notes. Read chapter 1 of Dodelson for useful background information?
21.01.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Review of the project? A walkthrough of the project will be given, pointing out what your main tasks will be?
26.01.2010Ingunn Kathrine Wehus? Peisestua? A very quick introduction to GR? Chapter 2.1 in Dodelson; tensors, metrics, the geodesic equation, the Einstein equations?
28.01.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Numerical solution of differential equations? ?
02.02.2010Ingunn Kathrine Wehus? Peisestua? More on GR? Chapter 2.2-2.4 in Dodelson; distances in the universe, conformal time; the cosmic inventory.?
09.02.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? A first introduction to Boltzmann equations? Chapter 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4. ?
16.02.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Recombination? Section 3.3 in Dodelson. The Saha and Peebles equations. ?
18.02.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? PROJECT MILESTONE 1? Deadline for first milestone of project: The uniform background cosmology?
23.02.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Boltzmann equations? Chapter 4.1-4.3: Harmonic oscillator, linearization and Compton scattering?
02.03.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Boltzmann equations for photons? Chapter 4.4?
09.03.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Boltzmann equations for baryons and CDM? Chapter 4.5-4.6?
16.03.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Linearized Einstein equations? Chapter 5.1-5.2?
18.03.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? PROJECT MILESTONE 2? Deadline for second milestone of project: The recombination history of the universe?
23.03.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Einstein equations and tensor perturbations? Chapter 5.3-5.5?
06.04.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Initial conditions and Boltzmann equations? Chapter 6.1-6.2?
13.04.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Inflation? Section 6.3?
20.04.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Inflation and tensor perturbations? Section 6.4?
27.04.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Inflation and scalar perturbations? ?
29.04.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? PROJECT MILESTONE 3? Deadline for third milestone of project: Solving the perturbed Einstein and Boltzmann equations?
04.05.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? CMB anisotropies? Chapter 8.1-8.4?
18.05.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? Large-scale structure? Chapter 7?
25.05.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
27.05.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
01.06.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
08.06.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? PROJECT MILESTONE 4? Deadline for fourth milestone of project: The CMB power spectrum?
15.06.2010Hans Kristian Eriksen? Peisestua? ? ?
Publisert 12. jan. 2010 12:04