
Published May 15, 2023 12:28 PM

As the lectures are now concluded, one more group session will be scheduled for Tuesday, May 16. 
Please contact Aditi and/or Sven if you need more support with the final assignment beyond that. 


Published Apr. 28, 2023 8:13 AM

The submission deadline for assignment 5 is extended to May 16, 23:59. 

Published Apr. 17, 2023 1:47 PM

Please remember that you will have the opportunity to present your project tomorrow during the group session! This can be an informal presentation for 5-10min but it is really up to you. The aim is to give the others an idea what your science question is about and how you are addressing it. We hope for a lot of feedback, questions and helpful discussions! 

Published Mar. 27, 2023 3:27 PM

Please see this page for more information regarding the summer jobs: 


The project description are summarised in this PDF: 


We can discuss more on Thursday if you have questions. 

Published Mar. 17, 2023 3:44 PM

On popular demand, I herewith extend the deadline for assignment #3 to March 31, end of the day. 

Please note that I will be on vacation in the beginning of April! That means the following:

  • If you submit before the original deadline of March 24, I will give you feedback before April 1. 
  • If you submit only by March 31 and I cannot give you feedback before April April 17. 
Published Mar. 10, 2023 4:25 PM

I have now provided feedback for assignment #2. Please have a look and let me know next week if there is need for further clarification. 

Have a nice weekend! 

Published Mar. 10, 2023 12:39 PM

Some tips for your data analysis: 

  • The order of the dimensions of data cubes contained in the HDF5 files can be different depending on the language (IDL/python/...) you use to load the data. For instance, the z dimension can end be up as first dimension ([z,xy,]). 
  • When developing your analysis routines, check that everything looks reasonable after any (major) step. Plot maps, print out values and see if that looks ok. 
  • Avoid hard-coding numbers and make it flexible enough. Typically you will have to run your routines multiple times. Hard-coding makes it difficult to adjust code and is prone to errors (e.g., forgetting to change it somewhere...). 
  • Add a lot of meaningful comments to your code. Your future you will thank you. :-) 
Published Feb. 27, 2023 11:16 PM

The minimum word count for assignment #2 is lowered to 1500 words. However, please take this serious and note the following: 

  • This is not meant to be like the introduction of a real scientific article but should start at a bit lower level and can contain “textbook level” content.
  • This is an important foundation and starting point for your final assignment. Trying to express the topic in your own words is a powerful learning tool.  
  • Please do not use lengthy expressions and/or filler word just to meet the word limit. 

Published Feb. 15, 2023 8:26 PM

As there might be not enough time for this in the lecture on February 16, here is a PDF with additional slides with feedback and guidance for assignments 1+2

Published Feb. 6, 2023 2:10 PM
  • Submission of the assignments is now possible via devilry.
  • Please use the latex templates (with line numbering activated) and upload the resulting PDF on devilry.  
  • All latex templates are now available on the ITA disks and here on the course webpages (assignment).
  • The information on possible projects has been slightly updated. See the AST5770 manual
  • Please use this week's group session also to discuss possible project ideas. 

Published Jan. 24, 2023 3:48 PM

The template for the first assignment is now published. See the entry "assignment" to the left which leads you to an overview with download links. 
Please note that the group session on February 7 is dedicated to this assignment but please let us know beforehand if anything is unclear.