Messages - Page 2

Published Feb. 29, 2024 3:51 PM

I finally got devilry to work and you can submit it there now (for the few that sent it to me by email you don't have to reupload it if you don't want).

Published Feb. 28, 2024 11:38 AM

A few people asked if we could have a last minute session today. I don't have that much time, but I can try 15-1545 in 303 at ITA (but you guys can continue after that helping each other).

Published Feb. 21, 2024 4:18 PM

Going forward if you guys want a project session then let us know in the lectures on monday/tuesday (or send an email) and we will put it up on Wednesday 1415-1530. If its interest from more than 3-4 people then we will go ahead and I will post a message about it here. Otherwise you can just come by my office if you have any questions/problems.

Published Feb. 19, 2024 10:53 PM

We will have a project session on Wednesday 21 Feb 1415-1530 in Room 303 at ITA.

Published Feb. 14, 2024 2:26 AM

We will have the project session on Thursday 15 Feb 1515-1600 in Room 303 at ITA. If some of you cannot make this time then I'm also free Friday at 1315-1400 so if you want to come by at that time just send me an email.

Sorry for the confusion regarding the times: the doodle was set on UK time (and also AM instead of PM). Just want to confirm that it will be 1515 CEST. I'm also free to stay till 1630ish if needed.

Published Feb. 7, 2024 1:00 AM

The description of the first milestone of the project can be found here:

As we mentioned in the lecture about the project: you don't have to hand it in until the very end, but we offer to read what you have done so far and give feedback. If you want this (highly recommended) then the deadline for handing in the report is Friday March 1st. If you have any questions send me (Hans) an email. The other milestones will have a deadline ~April 1st, ~May 1st and then the final project should be handed in before the exam ~June 12th.

We can also do a coding session next week or the week after where you bring your laptops and work on the project and we can help you solve problems. If you want this then let us know in the lectures that you want this and fill out this poll ...

Published Jan. 29, 2024 10:25 PM

In mondays lecture we went through what the project is about. The presentation I used can be found on

Try to install the code template as soon as possible and let me know if you have any problems and we will try to sort that out as soon as possible.