Project 2023

Hi Everybody,

The first milestone of the project is now ready to be started on.

New this year is that you will not get a grade for each milestone, but the whole project will be evaluated in the end (so that you have the opportunity to correct/improve things later on etc). You are still encouraged to hand in the project after every milestone. If you do that we will provide feedback on what you have done so far so you are strongly encouraged to do this.

The first milestone should be done by March 5th if you want feedback (deliver it in Devilry). Tentative dates for the other hand-ins: second milestone should be done by 1 April, the third should be done by May 1st and the final deadline for handing in the whole project is around June 1st. You need to have handed in the project in order to take the exam on June 6th.

The code template [C++] can be found on github [ ]

You can find what to do on for the first milestone on [ ] including slides and video from previous years presentation. The only new thing this year is that you are to use your code to fit to supernova data and determine constraints on the Hubble parameter, the matter density parameter, the dark energy parameter and the curvature parameter.

You can find some basic info on C++ (that are used in the template) here [ ].

The report for this project will be in the form of a scientific article. You can find how to write the paper here [ ]. There is also a link to the paper template on this page. This page will be updated with more information shortly.

If there are any questions please sign up and post them on [ ] or send me an email.

Next week we can do a little coding session to get you started if there is interest for this. Please post on the forum above and let me know if you want this.

Best regards,

Published Feb. 9, 2023 2:33 PM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2023 3:31 PM