
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
27.11.2009Students and Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Run through of exercises? We will also decide on the time and place for the final exam.?
18.11.2009Boris Gudiksen? Rom 304, ITA? MPI and MPI in Bifrost? NB note the date! The lecture is at 15.15.?
13.11.2009Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Operator splitting and multi-grid methods? Lecture based on Chapter 19.6 in Press et al. "Numerical Recipes"?
06.11.2009?ystein Lie-Svendsen? Rom 304, ITA? Characteristics II? Using characteristics to implement (non-reflecting) boundary conditions for fluid equations.?
30.10.2009?ystein Lie-Svendsen? Rom 304, ITA? Characteristics? Using characteristics to implement (non-reflecting) boundary conditions for fluid equations.?
23.10.2009Viggo Hansteen? Rom 303, ITA? Bifrost II? More on how Bifrost functions, how it is run and how to look at the output?
16.10.2009Jorrit Leenaarts? Rom 304, ITA? Numerical radiative transfer? On the radiation module in Bifrost and perhaps a little about MULTI3D as well.?
02.10.2009Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Bifrost? We will march through the Bifrost code covering the following topics PS Better notes will appear "real soon".?
25.09.2009Students? Rom 304, ITA? Presentation of exercises? Run through of Galsgaard & Nordlunds MHD code description.?
18.09.2009Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? von Neumann-Richtmeyer artificial viscosity? ?
11.09.2009Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Viscosity? Sections 51 Damping of Acoustic Waves by Viscosity, 57 Shock Structure, 59 Numerical Methods from Mihalas & Mihalas "Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics" ?
04.09.2009All students? Rom 304, ITA? Exercise set 1? Viggo H. at Sac Peak meeting: Go through the exercises and show the results you have obtained. Help those who may lag behind! ?
28.08.2009Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Introduction to numerical methods? Continuation of previous weeks topics, second order upwind methods, Crank Nicholson. Preparation for next week's exercises.?
21.08.2009Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Introduction to numerical methods? von Neumann stability analysis, Lax's method, phase and non-linear errors. Transport errors and upwind differencing. Explicit and implicit methods. ?
Publisert 21. juli 2009 11:09 - Sist endret 27. nov. 2009 14:01