Some announcements

1) The passing grade of the assignments is 60 out of 100. 

2) You will receive feedback and solutions for the assignments. For the numerical project, you will receive feedback but no solution (as it is a mini research report and there is no standard solution). 

3) I will provide some previous exams at the beginning of December, there will be no solutions to those exams. 

4) If you have concerns of using the Google Drive, or troubles of accessing the file on the Google folder, please let me know. All materials will be ALSO updated on the course webpage upon some student/s request. 

5) The change of the Numerical Project deadline was intended for you to not having too many deadlines at the end of November, and the date is chosen based on the majority votes on Doodle. The change was published on the course website (Sep. 16), is correct on Devilry, and now also on the updated project description file. I do hope there is no more confusions. 


Published Sep. 26, 2024 12:35 PM - Last modified Sep. 26, 2024 12:35 PM