The results from the first project are in
Your scores on the first project should now be available to you in devilry. As a general comment, all of you did well, and many of you did extremely well. I am very happy.
You have been given points, not a grade. These points will be combined with your score on the next project (coming soon) and the final exam, and it will contribute 20 percent to your final score and grade. So if you got, say, 90 points on this project, you have now secured 18 of the maximum 100 final points.
If you want to know what grade you score corresponds to, a very rough guide is the following:
92-100 points: A
85-91 points: B
60-84 points: C
45-59 points: D
40-44 points: E
0-39 points: F
I wish you all a relaxing Easter break and look forward to seeing you again on Friday April 21!