We hope you all had a great exam yesterday.
A sketch of a solution is now available in the web.
There will be no classes on Monday 6th nor on Monday 13th of June.
All delivered assignments are passed. You can pick them up in Lluis' postbox.
Come to the class next Friday for questions and exercises important for the exam, as said in the previous message.
Very good luck to all of you for the exam!!
Even if you don't usually can, you are all very encouraged to come next Friday. You can ask as many questions as you want during the last class.
I will solve and discuss interesting exercises on structure formation and inflation to prepare for the exam.
We will follow, time permitting, the structure below:
- exs 3, 4 from exam Dec 9th 2011
- exs 1,2 from exam June 12th 2014
- ex 3 from exam June 14th 2012
- sections g, h from exam Dec 3rd 2003
- ex 1 from exam Dec 1st 2005
- ex 2 from exam Jan 11th 2007
We will do in the blackboard the whole exam December 12th 2007.
Prepare it before the class.
There is no 4th compulsory assignment.
However, you can do exercise 4.4 and take a look at the solutions, and if you have questions you can ask Lluís.
Remember that the due date for the 3rd mandatory assignment is the 31st of May.
Next Friday we will review theory of structure formation and will discuss exercise 4.2 (prepare it before the class)
Next Friday we will discuss exercise 3.4
After that, you will have time to work on the 3rd compulsory assignment.
There will be no lectures on Monday 23rd May.
The 3rd mandatory assignment is now on the web.
The due date is the 31st of May.
Those students who have not yet picked up the compulsory assignments, please take them from Lluís' post-box.
Also, if someone has not yet delivered the second compulsory assignment, please do it as soon as possible.
You can find the two sets of slides, A and B, from Licia on the course web.
The notes for the exercise on structure formation done in class on Friday 6/5/16 are now on the course web.
The slides used by Licia will appear soon.
The 3rd mandatory assignment is postponed after Licia's lectures.
A new deadline will be announced in the future.
Next Friday's assignment is now on the web:
- prepare the questions about inflation in the assignment and exercises 3.3 and 3.4. We will discuss all these in class.
The next compulsory assignment is also available: The deadline is on the 13th of May.
All the compulsory assignments delivered have passed.
I will leave the assignments in my post-box for you to pick them up whenever you want.
Those who sent it by email, already have an "ok" email back.
If someone has not yet delivered the mandatory assignment 2, please do it as soon as possible.
This next Friday, to warm-up/refresh-memory, we will discuss the questions from the weekly assignment 11. Please prepare them before the class.
Afterwards, we will revisit the theory behind BBN and will do some exercises all together.
There will be no teaching on Friday 15th April.
The weekly assignments for week 9 and 10 (COMPULSORY) are now in the web.
Next Friday Lluis will do a review on statistical physics and we will work during the class on the first exercises of chapter 2.
The next two Fridays ( 8th and 15th ) there will not be exercise classes. David will do theory instead.
You can find the solution for the mid-term exam in the section previous exams and solutions.
Next week, there are no lectures/exercises.
We will have the mid-term exam.
All the compulsory assignments delivered have passed so you are all invited to take the mid-term exam next week.
I will bring the assignments back at the class today Friday and I will then leave them in my post-box for you to pick them up whenever you want. Those who sent it by email, already have an "ok" email back.
For the exam, do as much exercises/exams as you can so you will be very well prepared. You all still have time, so I encourage you to take the most of it.
Good luck for the mid-term.
You have now the weekly assignment for next Friday.