Course evaluation

The astrophysical student committee AFU is doing a course evaluation and here you'll find the evaluation sheet in pdf form:

The point is to gather information to find specific ways in which course can improve, both in terms of the lectures, exercise sessions, curriculum etc.

You can hand in the form in two ways: Either print it, fill it out, then deliver it to the AFU mailbox. (Ground floor of the astrophysics building, immediately to the right after the entrance, towards the printers). The other way is to write a mail to with the title "Course evaluation". Here you can answer each tickable question with letters a b c d e representing boxes from left to right, and of course write longer comments where you want.
The answers will be treated strictly confidential and your identity will not be disclosed to the persons responsible for the course no matter how you choose to hand in the evaluation.


Publisert 20. mars 2015 15:54