Second Lab-Exercise: CCD, Lab-text, clarifying material and IDL resources
You can now find the practical lab-text for the CCD lab exercises here, please check them out before you come to the lab.
Furthermore, as not to clutter the text and being able to include some IDL tips specific to the lab, you can find a text on what we mean by noise in the lab and some other things here. This will be mostly useful for when you write the actual report, so check this out then!
Lastly, as alluded to above, there will be some use of IDL (Interactive Data Language) in this course. For this lab, it is optiona,l and you are free to complete the relevant exercises in whatever language you choose (for most of you this will probably be Python or Matlab).
For later programming labs, this was also be the case, except for the Hinode lab late in the semester, where some IDL usage will be required. There will also be some IDL usage on La Palma where we will work on getting you started with it. With this in mind, here is a guideline on how to setup and get started using IDL via the institute computers using an SSH connection.