Some lecture notes solutions, and the midterm of 2014, UPDATED: Typos in Solutions
Hello everyone!
I hope that all who went on the trip to La Palma had a nice journey home, and that everyone is doing well with their preparations for the various midterms, midterm projects and other obligatory exercises!
I have prepared some solutions to just a few problems from the Lecture Notes, which you can find here. Further, the midterm from 2014 can be found here, which is well advised to work through as practice for the upcoming midterm.
As always, send me an email if there are any questions. Also, remember to read through the lab report reminders in the earlier message before digging into writing your reports.
Cheers and good luck with all the midterm hustling!
- Ainar
UPDATE[1]: Typos in Lecture Notes solutions fixed. In exercise 2.2 (delta should be phi) and the exercise called "Exercise 2" in chpt. 3, should be "Exercise 3", and epsilonsi should be epsilonox on page 5.