Course curriculum

Hi everyone, 

you can find the curriculum of this year's course under "Materials". The curriculum gives a summary of the important concepts and topics that were covered during the lectures AFTER the midterm exam. The final exam will be based on chapters 5, and 7-11, as well as on the chapters that were relevant for the midterm exam (i.e., chapter 1-3, and 6). This means that chapter 4 and chapter 12 will not be part of the final exam!

Please note: I tried to implement the suggestions/feedback I got from you after the midterm exam. Instead of strictly following the lecture notes, additional material from the two recommended curriculum books (Kitchin and Chromey) was included in the lectures. However, for the final exam, all the relevant material is found in the lecture notes.     



Publisert 29. nov. 2015 18:08 - Sist endret 29. nov. 2015 18:30