UPDATED LAST MINUTE for those interested, CCD lab clarifications/tips updated and a note on reading in bmp files


Last Minute Update: For those who spotted it, in the clarifications I made no distinction between the dark-images used in the Daverage    subtracted from the flat-image average to correct the master-flat, and the dark-images used in creating the Daverage  used in correcting the final image. This is unclear/wrong as the flat-image average should be corrected by the darks with the same exposure time as the flat images, and the science image corrected by the dark-average using the dark images with the same exposure time as the science image. This is now  updated in the pdf. Of course I will not hold it against anyone if they were confused by the wording of the pdf, or do not alter their hand-in at this late stage due to this message! Have a nice weekend!

Original message below.

I have made an update to the CCD lab clarifications/tips pdf detailing the correction process in the final exercise for clarity since I received a question or two about it.

Another note: some of you may have had trouble loading the color images from the CCD lab into IDL (the read_bmp function seems not to handle them for some reason) - this is not necessary as you do not need to do any analysis on them. If you want to convert these files into a nice report-friendly pdf format, you can use the convert command on nekkar/papsukal/... via the terminal in the relevant folder like below.

convert image.bmp image.pdf

Which saves the image as image.pdf.

When it comes to the question of maxima-counts I may have said that you can find this value in IDL meaning you didn't take note of the live-view camera counts - here you can therefore simply comment on the by-eye intensity differences and comment on why there may be intensity differences.

Cheers, Ainar.


Publisert 12. nov. 2015 20:09 - Sist endret 14. nov. 2015 15:33