Planula's guide to the solar system!!!!

In a galaxy far far away, turtles are torturing the jelly fishes on planet Chichiyaku. They are eating our population!! Monday 30. august 2021 was the day we decided to get our asses off this planet, even though we do not have an ass. We will update you all on our space voyage, please pray for us!!
As Icarus wings melt when he flies to close to the sun, one day Calcifer shall burn too bright, and slowly fade thereafter.
As Icarus wings melt when he flies to close to the sun, one day Calcifer shall burn too bright, and slowly fade thereafter.
II: A Netflix reality series. Coming June 23
I, A: One night stand? Smh, no. One light stand <33 Get to know Calcifer
Your thrusters just failed really close to a black hole, whats going to happen?!
A twins' venture to a distant world leaves them in a debuckle as to how to coordinate their birthdays.
It has been a rough couple months to be honest. We discovered that our previous posts we left out a lot of cool figures and results!! We are so sorry and have therefore created a new post including all the most awesome figures ever!! Enjoy!
Warning: pictures in this post seems to be blurry like my vision. I advise you to zoom in when needed
My chakras are opening, I can hear the atoms, I can taste the sky
Line up your finest yardsticks and up to date maps gents, we're gonna plan out our trajectory.
Facing the final fronteer, but a final simulation remains.
Wait, how do we know where our sattelite will be post launch, we'll only be able to see it for a few kilometres outside our atmosphere?!