Start: LogEntry_0001 SolYear: 8760.63
Yesterday I was awoken from my cryo-sleep due to a minor technical malfunction, my spaceship had crash landed. More specifically, crash landed on some planet I know nothing about, in a solar system I know nothing about.
I was part of a solo mission to travel to an asteroid within my own solar system, to mine it for resources, but something must have gone horribly wrong along the way.
I set out on SY(SolYear) 8312.26, and I was expected to wake up on SY 8316.58, when arriving at the asteroid, but now I've awoken nearly 450 Sol years later!
After putting aside some personal time to deal with a slight freak out, due to my current circumstances, I've decided to make the best of it.
Luckily I seem to have landed on a habitable planet, with a breathable atmosphere, plentiful mineral resources, some local flora(yet to see any fauna), I might be able to build my way out of this.
Now I've managed to set up a basic base, which is a good start to work from!
My ship has a lot of equipment that I can use, a lot of personal equipment that I can wear, including a roboport for some very useful autonomous robots! These robots can help me build my way out of this problem, but they're also very good at doing math calculations for me! Even if they're only good at doing it by hand for some weird reason...? I have to find some way to make paper and pencils for them to use!

The ship also has a massive library of knowledge that I can use, but some of it is sadly corrupted, whilst the rest was encrypted during the crash. I have no idea why this would be a good safety feature, but I think I can decrypt it with some work and time. After all, I have nothing but time on my hands out here, all on my own.
I'm going to work on some statistics for now, I think this will have to be my first step in designing my own rocket to get out of here.
I will use these log entries to document my work for myself, and in case I don't make it, whoever finds this in the future.
End: LogEntry_0001