from PIL import Image import numpy as np #LOADING THE DATA sky_sphere = np.load('himmelkule.npy') #FIELD OF VIEW INITIAL CONDITIONS (measured in degrees) a_phi = a_theta = #theta direction for camera: theta_0 = #pixel size of flat picture: npix_x = #number of pixels in x-direction npix_y = #number of pixels in y-direction #CONVERTING DEGREES TO RADIANS a_phi = np.deg2rad(a_phi) a_theta = np.deg2rad(a_theta) theta_0 = np.deg2rad(theta_0) #you will probably not need all of the following functions, which ones you need #depends on the way you choose to solve the problem #Find xy-limits of the flat picture: def find_xy_limits(a_phi, a_theta): x_max = (2*np.sin(a_phi/2))/(1 + np.cos(a_phi/2)) x_min = -(2*np.sin(a_phi/2))/(1 + np.cos(a_phi/2)) y_max = (2*np.sin(a_theta/2))/(1 + np.cos(a_theta/2)) y_min = -(2*np.sin(a_theta/2))/(1 + np.cos(a_theta/2)) return x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max #convert x and y meshgrid to theta/phi angles, all angles in radians. def xy2ang(X,Y,theta_0,phi_0): rho = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) #Absolute Distance from Origin beta = 2*np.arctan(rho/2) #A Constant #Calculating the azimuthal angle of every given point theta = np.pi/2 - np.arcsin(np.cos(beta)*np.cos(theta_0) + \ Y*np.sin(beta)*np.sin(theta_0)/rho) #Calculating the angle of every given point phi = phi_0 + np.arctan(X*np.sin(beta)/(rho*np.sin(theta_0)*np.cos(beta) - \ Y*np.cos(theta_0)*np.sin(beta))) return theta, phi #convert theta,phi to x,y: theta_0 and phi_0 are the centre of the flat picture def ang2xy(theta_0, phi_0, theta, phi): kappa = 2./(1. + cos(theta_0)cos(theta) + sin(theta_0)*sin(theta)*cos(phi - phi_0)) X = kappa * sin(theta)*sin(phi - phi_0) Y = kappa * (sin(theta_0)*cos(theta) - cos(theta_0)*sin(theta)*cos(phi - phi_0)) return X,Y #start the projection here: #insert code #CREATING A MESHGRID OF PIXEL COORDINATES (you may or may not need this) x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, npix_x) y = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, npix_y) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) XY = np.zeros((npix_y, npix_x, 2)) XY[:,:,0]= X XY[:,:,1]= Y #insert code #SAVING THE DATA TO A NUMPY DATA FILE (.npy using ", array)")'projections.npy', projections) #CREATING AN RGB IMAGE FROM GIVEN ANGLES (in degrees) for angle in angles: img = Image.fromarray(projections[int(angle % 360)])'himmelkule_{}_degs.png'.format(int(angle % 360)))