Telecommunications Law ? Course outline
? September 14, ?08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom DN ![endif]>![if>
????? Introduction to Telecommunications Law
Silvia Valm, NRCCL
Overview of the course and handing out of the compendiums.
historic introduction to the EU electronic communications regulatory framework:
from telecommunications law to electronic communications law.
September 17, 08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom
DN ![endif]>![if>
????? Introduction to Electronic Communications
Technology and Terminology ?
H?kon Styri,
What are electronic communications networks and services? A
general understanding of the underlying technology is essential to understand
the law. How are terms such as telecommunication, electronic communication,
telephony, bandwidth, convergence, and digitalisation defined?
? September 21, 08.15-10.00
Lucien Mehls rom DN ![endif]>![if>
????? The New Regulatory Package, Introduction
Svendsen, Wiersholm, Mellbye & Bech
Background, changes leading to the 99 review, development from
?telecommunications services? to ?electronic communications services?,
procedural aspects, what are the major changes from the 98 to the 2003
regulatory package, role of the NRAs and EU. Overview of regulatory principles. Liberalisation
and harmonisation.
September 24, 08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom
DN ![endif]>![if>
????? The New Regulatory
Package, Significant Market Power
Svendsen, Wiersholm, Mellbye
& Bech
What is Significant market power
(SMP), the significance of SMP as a regulatory tool, definition of relevant
markets and designation of SMP, Framework Directive art. 14,
15 and 16, Recommendation on relevant product and service markets and
Guidelines on market analysis and calculation of SMP, consequences of SMP.
September 28, 08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom
DN ![endif]>![if>
????? Access to Networks and Services and Choice
of Remedies
Svendsen, Wiersholm, Mellbye & Bech
The principal regulation of Interconnection,
Regulation of Special Network Accesss, Regulation of
Leased Capacity, Regulation of LLUB. Relevant examples of cases, The dynamic element of regulation,
Conflicts relating to access and interconnection, The NRAs
role in mediating and determination of conflicts,
October 1, 08.15-10.00 ?Lucien Mehls rom
DN ![endif]>![if>
????? Access to
Networks and Services
Svendsen, Wiersholm, Mellbye & Bech
Overview of Access and Interconnection, Why is access
regulated, Different types of Access, What is ?interconnection?, ?special
network access?? What role do these terms play in the overall framework?
Regulation of operator without SMP, Regulation of operators with SMP
October 5, 08.15-10.00? Lucien Mehls rom DN ![endif]>![if>
????? Competition law and EU telecommunications
Katinka Mahieu,
What is the relationship between EU competition law and
telecom law? What are the differences and similarities between general
competition law principles and telecom law? Will competition law eventually
replace telecom law principles completely?
? October 8, 08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom DN ![endif]>![if>
????? Competition law and EU telecommunications (cont.)
Katinka Mahieu,
October 12, 08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom DN ![endif]>![if>
????? Authorisation
and UMTS licenses
Monika Silvia Valm,
Authorisation of
electronic communications networks and services, main principles, developments
in policy and regulation. Major differences between fixed networks, mobile, UMTS
October 15, 08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom
DN ![endif]>![if>
????? Universal
Service Obligations and Consumer Issues
Silvia Valm, NRCCL
Consumer aspects of electronic communications law, access, quality of
service, privacy; what are universal service obligations, how are they imposed
on telecommunications operators.
October 19, 08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom
DN ![endif]>![if>
United States telecommunications, policy and
Hoida, Wikborg Rein &
A historical look at the
development of telecommunications competition in the
October 22, 08.15-10.00 Lucien Mehls rom
DN ![endif]>![if>
Global Telecommunications, the WTO and ITU
Monika Silvia Valm, NRCCL
What international regulations and obligations are
Member States obligated to follow? What impact does
the WTO and ITU have on European telecommunications?
????? November
29th 13.15-15.00 Lucien Mehls rom DN
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