
Innf?ring i rettssosiologi

Hva er rettssosiologi?

Askeland, Bjarte (2003): "Rettskildel?rens utvikling i rettsteoretisk belysning." I: Jussens Venner, 2003:  (11 sider)

Mathiesen, Thomas (2011): Retten i samfunnet: en innf?ring i rettssosiologi. Oslo : Pax (s. 11-212; 229-254. Totalt 227 sider)

Byr?krati og rettsliggj?relse

Anden?s, Kristian (2005): "Om maktens rettsliggj?ring og rettsliggj?ringens maktpotensial." I: Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, vol 47, nr 4. (14 sider)

Bauman, Zygmunt (1998): “Sociology after the Holocaust." I: British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 469-497.  (30 sider)

Graver, Hans Petter (2012): “Hvem bestemmer over loven? Hvordan rettsliggj?ringen  av samfunnet gj?r jussen mektigere p? bekostning av politikken." I: Samtiden nr. 2, 2012. (10 sider).

Scharff Smith, Peter (2016): "Dehumanization, social contact and techniques of Othering - combining the lessons from Holocaust studies and prison Research." I: Anna Eriksson (ed.) Punishing the Other: The social production of immorality revisited, Routledge 2016. (31 sider)

Den juridiske profesjon

Olaussen, Leif Petter (2015): ”Juristprofesjonen - en lagdelt sosial elitegruppe.” I Kritisk Juss, 3/2015. (27 sider)

Hammerslev, Ole (2010): “Convergence and conflict perspectives in Scandinavian studies of the legal Profession.”  I International Journal of the Legal Profession, VOL. 17, NO. 2.

Flood. John (1996): “Megalawyering in the Global Order: The Cultural, Social and Economic Transformation of Global Legal Practice.” I: International Journal of the Legal Profession, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-2, pp. 169-214. (46 sider)

Rettssosiologi og menneskerettigheter

Debating  The Endtimes  of Human Rights. Activism and Institutions in a Neo-Westphalian World (2014). Lettinga, Doutje & Lars van Troost (ed.) The Strategic Studies Project (SSP): Amnesty International Netherlands, (s. 7-18; 47-51; 61-67. Totalt 23 sider)

Rask Madsen, Michael og Jonas Christoffersen (2011): “The End of Virtue?  Denmark and the Internationalisation of Human Rights.“ I: Nordic Journal of International Law, Volume 80, Issue 3. (21 sider)

Rask Madsen, Michael (2016): ”The Challenging Authority of the European Court of Human Rights: From Cold War Legal Diplomacy to the Brighton Declaration and Backlash I: Law and Contemporary Problems, Vol. 79: 141, no. 1, 2016. (38 sider)

Rettsf?lelse og rettsbevissthet

Balvig, Flemming, Helgi Gunnlaugsson, Kristina Jerre, Henrik Tham, Aarne Kinnunen (2015): “The public sense of justice in Scandinavia: A study of attitudes towards punishments.” I: European Journal of Criminology, 2015, Vol. 12(3) 342–361. (20 sider)

Olaussen, Leif Petter (2014):  ”Concordance between Actual Level of Punishment and Punishments suggested by Lay People – but with less use of Imprisonment.” I: Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, pp. 69-99. (31 sider)

Kriminalitet, straff og samfunn

Garland, David (2013): “Penalty and the Penal State." I: Criminology, Volume 51 Number 3, 2013: (41 sider)

Scharff Smith, Peter og Thomas Ugelvik (2017): “Introduction: Punishment, Welfare and Prison History in Scandinavia” I: Scandinavian Penal History, Culture and Prison Practice: Embraced By the Welfare State?, Palgrave Macmillan 2017 (30 sider) (Fronter).

Wacquant, Loic (2013): "Crafting the neoliberal state: Workfare, prisonfare and social insecurity." I: D. Scott (red.) Why prison? Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 2013. (21 sider)

Religion og rett – Islamisk rettstenkning som case

Vik?r, Knut (2003): Mellom Gud og stat. Ei historie om islamsk lov og rettsvesen. Oslo, Spartakus 2003. Introduksjon (s. 13 – 30), kapittel 12 (s. 209 – 235); kapittel 13 (s. 236 – 258); kapittel 14 (s. 259 – 272); kapittel 15 (s. 273 – 290). (Totalt 100 sider).

Moderne kommunikationsteknologi og retten

Maras, Marie-Helen (2012): “The social consequences of a mass surveillance measure: What happens when we become the ‘others’?” I: International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Volume 40, Issue 2, April 2012: (17 sider)

Scharff Smith, Peter (2012): "Imprisonment and Internet-Access. Human Rights, the Principle of Normalization and the Question of Prisoners Access to Digital Communications Technology.” I: Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 30:4 (2012), 454–482. (29 sider)



Totalt antall sider: 785

Publisert 24. nov. 2016 09:57 - Sist endret 7. mars 2017 14:07