Texts in bold can all be found in
Crime and Media: A Reader (2010). Chris Greer (ed.). London & New York, Routledge.
Understanding Media and Crime
Baudrillard, Jean (1981): "Simulacra and Simulations". 16 p.
Castells, Manuel (1997): "An Introduction to the Information Age". 13 p.
Greer, Chris and Robert Reiner (2012): "Mediated Mayhem: Media, Crime, Criminal Justice. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan and Robert Reiner (eds). 35 p.
Hall, Stuart (1980): "Encoding-Decoding". 12 p.
Jewkes, Yvonne (2011): Media & Crime. London: Sage. All chapters except 8 and 9. 214 p.
McLuhan, Marshall (1964): "The Medium is the Message". 12 p.
Crime and Popular Culture
Ferrell, Jeff: "Crimes of Style". 16 p.
Jarvis, Brian (2007): "Monsters Inc.: Serial killers and Consumer Culture". 14 p.
Langford, Barry (2005): "The Gangster Film: Genre and Society". 17 p.
Reiner, Robert (1994): "The Dialectics of Dixon: The Changing Image of the TV Cop". 9 p.
Reiner, Robert, Sonia Livingston, and Jessica Allen (2001): "Casino Culture: Media and Crime in a Winner-Loser Society". 11 p.
Todorov, Tzvetan (1966): "The Typology of Detective Fiction". 9 p.
Valverde, Mariana (2006): "From the Hard-Boiled Detective to the Pre-Crime Unit". 13 p.
Crime News
Chibnall, Steve (1977): "Press Ideology: The Politics of Professionalism". 13 p.
Ericson, Richard, Patricia Baranek and Janet Chan (1987): "Research Approaches". 12 p.
Ericson, Richard, Patricia Baranek and Janet Chan (1991): "Reading the News Photographs". 16 p.
Jones, Phil J. and Claire Wardle (2008): "'No Emotion, Ny Sympathy' : The Visual Construction of Maxine Carr". Crime, media, culture 4 (1), 53-72, 20 p.
Hall, Stuart (1973): "The Determination of News Photographs". 13 p.
Hall, Stuart, Chas Critcher, Tony Jefferson, John Clarke and Brian Roberts (1978): "The Social Production of News". 13 p.
Katz, Jack (1987): "What Makes Crime News?". 12 p.
Effects, Influence and Moral Panics
Bandura, Albert, Dorothea Ross and Sheila Ross (1963): "Imitation of Film-Mediated Aggressive Models". 12 p.
Barker, Martin and Julian Petley (2001): "From Bad Media Violence Research to Good: A Guide for the Perplexed". 17 p.
Cohen, Stanley (1972): "Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The Creation of the Mods and Rockers". 23 p.
Ditton, Jason, Derek Chadee, Stephen Farrall, Elisabeth Gilchrist and Jon Bannister (2004): "From Imitation to Intimidation: A Note on the Curious and Changing Relationship Between the Media, Crime and Fear of Crime". 20 p.
Gauntlett, David (2001): "The Worrying Influence of ‘Media Effects’ Studies". 10 p.
Gerbner, George and Larry Gross (1976): "Living with Television: The Violence Profile". 24 p.
McRobbie, Angela and Sarah Thornton (1995): "Rethinking 'Moral Panic' for Multi-Mediated Social Worlds". 8 p.
Media, Crime and the Political
Habermas, Jürgen (1974): "The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article". 10 p.
Herman, Edward S. and Noam Chomsky (1988): "A Propaganda Model". 12 p.
Kitzinger, Jenny (2004): "The Debate About Media Influence". 23 p.
Schlesinger, Philip Howard Tumber and Graham Murdock (1991): "The Media Politics of Crime and Criminal Justice". 14 p.
The Nordic Perspective
Berrington, Eileen and P?ivi Honkatukia (2002): "An Evil Monster and a Poor Thing : Female Violence in the Media". Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 3 (1), 50-72, 23 p.
Estrada, Felipe (2001): "Juvenile Violence as a Social Problem : Trends, Media Attention and Societal Response". British journal of criminology 41 (4), 639-655. 17 p.
Peelo, Moira (2006): "Framing Homicide Narratives in Newspapers : Mediated Witness and the Construction of Virtual Victimhood". Crime, media, culture 2 (2), 159-175. 17 p.
Skilbrei, May-Len (2012): "Sisters in Crime: Representations of Gender and Class in the Media Coverage and Court Proceedings of the Triple Homicide at Orderud Farm". Crime, media, culture 9 (2), 136-152, 17 p.
Smolej, Mirka and Janne Kivivuori (2006): “The Relation Between Crime News and Fear of Violence”. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention. 7 (2), 211-227, 16 p.
Pages in total: 788.